How to Deal Let-It-Ride
Part 1: A Vegas Aces Guide
Let-It-Ride is a carnival game that the casino uses as a “promotional” game in order to draw people into the pit and get them excited about gambling. Because of this, the casino wants their dealers to be more inviting, outgoing and be prepared to instruct players on how to play the game and answer any questions they might have.
Let-It-Ride is based on the poker game Five Card Stud, which means it uses a traditional 52 card deck. The object of the game is to get a pair of 10’s or higher out of the 5 cards that are available for the player to use. Players are only betting that they’ll get a ranking hand and they’re not betting against the dealer or any of the other players. Traditional poker rankings will apply.
Making a Wager

The player has 3 mandatory bets that they must place at the start of the game. Check to make sure that all 3 bets are in place, are an equal amount to each other, and are between the minimum and maximum limits for the table. Players are only allowed to bet on one spot at a time, and no more. The guest will place their wager on the betting circles with the numbers 2, 1 and the cash $ symbol showing. The cash symbol betting circle is considered to be the main bet and the additional 2 wagers have to be of an equal amount. During this time, if the player wants to tip
the dealer, then they can place the tip in front of the cash betting circle only. Dealers aren’t allowed to accept tips on the other two betting circle. Keep in mind that there is usually a maximum amount that the player can bet for you. If the tip is $25 or more, then verify with your floorman that this amount is between the minimum - maximum.
The Bonus Side Bet

The Bonus is an optional side bet that the player can choose to play. If the player hasn’t bet the Bonus already, then kindly point to it and ask the player if they would like to play. They can only bet $1 on the Bonus, no more or no less. Because of the Bonus bet, it’s good to get in the habit of giving players $5 - $10 in $1 cheque’s. Especially when they cash in for $100. During the course of the game, it’s good to keep an eye on their cheques and make sure they have a steady supply of $1’s. Remember, you want them to have as many dollars as a Las Vegas Stripper.
After all of the players have had the opportunity to bet, look at the sensor lamps and make sure they’re illuminated for all of the players who decided to place a $1 on them. Once you’ve inspected all of the bets for a second time, press the “Lock Out” button on the keypad. Collect all of the bets and place them in your bank.
Sometimes you’ll have a few procrastinators on the table. Players will wait until you’ve put the chips away, have already pressed the “Lock Out” key and are just about to deal the cards before deciding that they want to bet on the Bonus after all. No worries. Have the player place their Bonus bet and then press the “Lock Out” key again. Collect the bet and then continue with the hand. Remember, you can only do this if the cards haven’t been dealt out yet. The “Lock Out” key will be disabled after the shuffle machine has dealt the first hand.

Sometimes the Bonus sensor doesn’t light up when the player puts the $1 Bonus bet on it. Depending on your casino, this could go a couple of different ways. Some casinos will want you to notify your floorman who will then tell the table that that position is no longer available for Bonus play. Other casinos will offer “On/Off” buttons for the customers. If the light isn’t working, then after the dealer takes the players bonus bet they will put a lammer on the sensor with the “On” side facing up. This shows the cameras that the light is on and has been on since the beginning of the hand. If a player decides to not bet on the Bonus, then place the lammer to the “Off” side, facing up so the cameras can see it.
Delivering the Cards

After all of the players have finished betting, take the deck out of the discard rack and place it in the shuffle machine. The shuffler will automatically spit out 3 cards and the dealer will start from the left and go to the right and deliver the cards face down and slightly spread, continuing until every player has a hand. Once the first hand has been dealt, no bets can be altered. Then the dealer will get their cards, which are actually the community cards. The top card of the stack will be placed in the rectangle on the left side, the middle card will be placed in the rectangle that’s on the right side and the bottom card will be placed in the discard rack. Be careful not to expose the bottom card.
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At this point, if you don’t have a full table, then you’ll have to press the green start button on the shuffle machine and that will spit out the remaining cards. Place the remaining cards in the discard rack. If the cards come out and the Bonus lights start flashing or if someone has an incorrect number of cards, then this is a misdeal. Call over your floor immediately and then announce a misdeal to the table. The floor will instruct you to pick up all of the cards. These shuffle machines have an automatic counter in them, and every time they shuffle they count the cards to make sure there’s a total of 52. If the green button is lit then the count is accurate and the dealer can proceed as normal. If the light is red and the Bonus lights start flashing, then you know it’s a misdeal.
Handling the Cards

Only players seated at the table are allowed to handle the cards, the cards must always be within the railing and in full view at all times. Players are not allowed to take the cards over the edge of the layout. Players can’t take the casino cards home with them, toss their cards at the dealer or eat their cards, although I’ve seen this happen once or twice. The player is only allowed to look at their three cards, the dealer’s two community cards, and no other cards. Players cannot communicate or expose their cards to any of the other players on the table. The reason why is because it changes the house edge in favor of the players. So if you have a full table and everyone is sharing their cards, then the House Advantage goes from 3.51% down to 2.34%. So, if your players are showing each other their cards, then politely tell them that this is not allowed. Caution players in a courteous manner and use good judgement and flexibility when enforcing this rule. If the player continues, call over the floorman.